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Willkommen im Children's Museum of Wilmington, einem Ziel in der Innenstadt, das Kindern beim Spielen hilft. Alles, was wir bei CMoW tun, ist für die Kinder! Wir bieten praktische, interaktive Programme und Ausstellungen für Kinder bis 10 Jahre.
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As a non-profit organization, CMoW has many wonderful donors and we would love to show them what you love about the Museum!

Kids 10 and under are invited to enter our art contest and 3 winners will be chosen to have their artwork printed on our cards. Winners will also receive a Children's Museum of Wilmington 3 month Wanderer Membership!

Artwork can be completed in our Art Room at the Museum or at home!

Feel free to download the entry form and either drop it off at the front desk or email to

✨Please keep in mind the following:

🕒Entries must be received by January 31, 2025 at 5:00PM
✏️ALL of the information on the entry form must be completed
💫There is no entry fee to participate
🧒The contest is open to children ages 1-10

Winners will be announced no later than February 10, 2025!

*Winners agree to allow The Children's Museum of Wilmington to publish their name (first name, last initial only) and artwork on the CMoW website. Additionally, all artwork received will become the property of The Children's Museum of Wilmington and will not be returned. Entries may be used in a number of ways including decoration, fundraising, promotional material, or printed material.

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Dienstag Samstag  9:00 - 17:00 Uhr
Sonntag 13:00 - 17:00 Uhr

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CMoW ist eine gemäß 501(c)(3) gemeinnützige Organisation  Organisation.

© 2021 by The Children's Museum of Wilmington 

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